Why Didn't We Hear More of His Voice? by Andrew Bard Schmookler * When Cardinal Joseph
Bernardin died recently in Chicago, the obits for him on
the television news shows were simply stunning. First we
heard a prominent African-American Protestant leader
telling us about what a healer Bernardin was, how
palpable was his love. Then a leading Chicago rabbi spoke
of the simplicity of the man, and yet also of his
extraordinary gifts in bringing people together to find
the godly way through a problem. And so it went. This
person --"your brother, Joseph" as he called
himself-- was apparently something quite special and
rare. I expect that, as I watched these testimonies, I was
like many other Americans: it was only when this man died
that I learned that we had had among us someone who was
truly what for ages has been called "a man of
God." That his faith was Roman Catholic seemed to
me, as to the non-Catholics speaking of him on
television, less essential than that Cardinal Bedridden
had in some way aligned himself with deep spiritual
understanding. This discovery --that we had been blessed by having
this man of God in our midst-- led me to a disturbing
question: Why was his voice not before us more of the
time, offering whatever wisdom or counsel he might have
had to offer? When our country was racked with the agony
of our racial divisions --such as at the time of the Los
Angeles riots in the wake of the first Rodney King
verdict-- why wasn't this righteous and humble person
among those to whom the microphones turned to help us
find our way to healing? When the debate was going on
about whether American troops should go to Bosnia to end
the rape and slaughter there, why wasn't this godly man
one of those whose voice was sought out for our national
discussion? Oh, I know, he did many things, was a prominent
churchman, was not hidden in obscurity. But ask yourself:
who are the 50 or 100 people that we Americans hear from
the most, who have the most access to our arenas of print
and broadcast to offer their views and visions?
Certainly, Cardinal Bernardin was nowhere near being on
that short list. (Like many others, I suspect, I had
never heard of him at all until, three years ago, a young
man surfaced to accuse the Cardinal of having sexually
abused him-- an accusation that the young man later
recanted as false before he died, while Berardin, with
whom he had been tearfully reconciled, said mass for
him.) Who gets our ear? We have our elected officials --the
President, of course, and a few dozen prominent Senators,
cabinet officials etc.-- who are rightly on the list.
Among the others there are the spokespeople for major
interest groups, the specialists and experts and
analysts, the journalists. And then we have our
celebrities: over the years, an American is much more
likely to hear what a Madonna or a Neon Dion has to say
to us than a Cardinal Bernardin. In fact, on the list of the 50 or 100 people to whom
the media give most access, is there a single one who is
there because he or she is recognized as a godly person,
someone whose contact with the Ground of our existence is
regarded as palpable by those who come into contact with
that person? I cannot think of a one. (Billy Graham comes to mind as a possible exception,
but with him, unlike Bernardin, the message seems rather
confined to his particular creed: Americans know he
brings the Gospel, but I cannot think of a single
national issue with which we have wrestled during the
years of his prominence to which Graham has chosen to
speak with a clear voice that would guide or persuade
us.) What does it say about America as a civilization that
the quality of godliness, or deep spiritual
understanding, is not regarded as a reason why someone
should be given a prominent place in the conversation
when we as a society are in doubt about where the right
path lies? Now, don't get me wrong. On issues of the separation
of Church and State, I am close to being an ACLU hawk. I
don't want any ayatollahs running our affairs. But it is
one thing to cherish our national heritage of creating a
public space that is freed of the tyranny of established
religion. It is quite another to treat spiritual vision
as irrelevant to our national destiny. For most of recorded history, vibrant civilizations
have regarded the springs of spiritual wisdom as crucial
to human beings finding their way. America in recent
years had a man of God in its midst, apparently, and we
gave him a bit part in our national deliberations. On our
screens we had (I will guess)1000 words from Dick Armey,
2000 from Sam Donaldson, and 500 from Michael Jordan for
every word we heard from Cardinal Bernardin. It makes me wonder. *Andrew Bard Schmookler's next book, Living Posthumously: Confronting the Loss of Vital Powers, will be published in February by Henry Holt and Co. |