How Great a Crime? by Andrew Bard Schmookler Sometimes I'm alarmed by the
judgments I hear people make. But sometimes what troubles
me is not the conclusion they reach so much as the easy
with which they come to their judgments, as if it were an
open-and-shut case. That's how it was on a recent
"This Week" program on ABC. As the gang discussed Vice President Gore's trip to
China, the conservative pundit William Kristol complained
about Gore's having conceded that, like China, with its
blot of the massacre at Tienamen Square, the United
States too has committed great wrongs. What made Gore's
statement really ludicrous in Kristol's eyes was his
choice of an illustrative American sin: the nineteenth
century slaughter --to the verge of extinction-- of the
great herds of the American buffalo. Kristol did not like Gore's conceding any such moral
ground to the Chinese, but he was also saying something
else: How bizarre and foolish to equate these two crimes
--the Chinese massacre of the protesting students and the
American slaughter of these animals. What is frightening to me is the mindset that makes it
so easy for a group of intelligent and
"reasonable" American pundits to leap to such a
judgment. Let's concede that Tienamen was as evil a deed --the
snuffing out of a noble movement for liberty, and of
hundreds or perhaps as many as two thousand innocent
lives-- as we Americans have always regarded it as being.
(And let us give no weight to the fears of Chinese
leaders like Deng Xioaping, arising from their own bitter
experience of how political upheaval, during this century
of China's troubled emergence into the modern world, can
result in the deaths not of thousands but of tens of
millions.) Let us disregard also that the American crime against
the bison was also arguably a form of warfare on other
human beings, that the wanton destruction of these
enormous animals for their hides and heads (leaving great
carcasses of meat behind to rot) may well have been a way
of starving into submission or extinction the Great
Plains Indians whose lands the United States wanted to
steal, in violation of treaty commitments freely and
solemnly entered into by our government. Let's just consider what it means to destroy an entire
ecosystem, stretching across the heart of a continent,
for sport, for the thrill of domination, and for the
acquisition of trophies that can be sold on the market
for cash. This was the same American century that saw Americans
recklessly clear-cut bast ranges of virgin hardwood
forests in the Upper Midwest, so that the Mississippi
River was choked with their floating trunks heading
toward the sawmills. This was the same spirit of profligate destruction of
nature's bounty that James Fennimore Cooper memorably
depicted in his novel The Pioneers, where great flocks of
pigeons --on their way, as it turned out, to complete
extinction-- were blown out of the air just for fun. This was the American in which our forebears could
stand before the Giant Sequoia and see nothing more
worthy of their reverence than an unusual number of board
feet growing out of a single stump. And while some of our countrymen came close to
removing the great bison from the earth, others, in the
beautiful forested mountains of California, were using
poisons and water to get a few nuggets of gold
indifferent to the cost of destroying whole habitats that
have still not recovered after more than a century. How would God compare these crimes that Vice President
Gore laid side by side? I would not profess to know. But in an era where the trial of OJ Simpson got more
media coverage in a day than the ongoing extinction of
countless species across this living planet gets in a
decade; in which the most influential among us show more
concern for reducing the tax on capital gains than on
slowing the disappearance --now at the rate of a couple
thousand acres every hour-- of the earth's tropical rain
forests; and in which we scream bloody murder at the idea
of having to curtain our use of fossil fuels to slow our
potentially dangerous alteration of the earth's climate--
in such an era, Gore's comparison seems far from
ludicrous to me. |